Credit Repair & Credit Coaching

The team at is dynamic. My credit has increased exponentially and I have learned so much valuable information.
Katrina C. Google

Sign Up Below

Credit Repair


Based On What We Delete

  • Only $50 Per Item Deleted
  • Credit Building Assistance
  • Secure Client Portal to Track Progress 
  • Mobile App
  • Disputes Processed On Your Behalf
  • Standard Dispute Processing
  • Monthly Credit Training with Credit Coaches
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Access to Previous Training Recordings
  • Dedicated Credit Coach
  • Email & Phone Support
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Business Credit Assistance
  • Monthly Credit Workshops w/ Virtual Access
  • Online Resource Center

Credit Coaching


Monthly Membership

  • FREE Credit Repair
  • Advanced Credit Tactics
  • Secure Client Portal to Track Progress 
  • Mobile App with Messaging
  • Disputes Processed On Your Behalf
  • Advanced Dispute Processing
  • Monthly Credit Training and Q&A with The Credit Dude
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Access to Previous Training Recordings
  • Dedicated Credit Coach
  • Email & Phone Support
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Business Credit Assistance
  • Monthly Credit Workshops w/ Virtual Access
  • Online Resource Center

1. Should I sign up for Credit Repair or Credit Coaching?

When deciding between Credit Repair and Credit Coaching, it's crucial to assess your goals and the level of support you need to achieve them.

If you're primarily focused on rectifying negative items on your credit report and prefer a pay-for-performance model where you only pay for successful removals, then Credit Repair might suit your needs.

However, if you're looking for a more comprehensive approach that not only addresses credit repair but also equips you with tools to optimize both personal and business credit, then Credit Coaching is the way to go.

In a Credit Coaching program, you'll receive personalized guidance tailored to your financial goals. This includes not only assistance in repairing your credit but also valuable insights into building and managing business credit. Additionally, you'll have access to scheduled phone calls where you can discuss your progress, ask questions, and receive ongoing support.

Moreover, Credit Coaching often includes networking opportunities with like-minded individuals and participation in credit workshops focused on specific aspects of finance and credit management. These workshops provide practical knowledge and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of credit effectively.

So, if you're seeking a comprehensive approach to improving your credit and financial well-being, consider Credit Coaching. It offers not only credit repair but also valuable resources and support to empower you on your journey to financial success.

2. How do I pay once negative items are deleted in credit repair?

When you start on the Credit Repair process and items begin to get deleted from your credit report, our invoicing system is designed to ensure fairness and affordability for our clients.

We charge a flat fee of $50 per item successfully removed from your credit report. However, we understand that multiple deletions can occur within a single month, which is why we cap the monthly invoice at $75.

For example, if six items are deleted within a month, the total cost would be $300 ($50 per item × 6 items). However, to make it manageable for our clients, we break down this total into four payments of $75 each. This allows you to continue the credit repair process without the burden of paying the entire invoice upfront.

Our goal is to provide transparent and accessible credit repair services, ensuring that you can navigate the journey to credit improvement with ease and peace of mind.

3. Can I sign up for Credit Repair and then switch to Credit Coaching later?

Yes, absolutely! You can start with Credit Repair and then transition to Credit Coaching later if you feel that you need a more comprehensive approach to your credit improvement journey.

However, it's essential to note that if you choose to switch from Credit Repair to Credit Coaching, any outstanding invoices for successfully deleted items will need to be settled before making the transition. This ensures that both parties maintain transparency and integrity throughout the process.

4. Can we schedule a consultation before I enroll?

At this time, we're not offering phone consultations prior to enrollment. However, we've structured our services to accommodate your needs efficiently.

If you have negative items on your credit report that you're eager to dispute, we encourage you to enroll right away. With our Credit Repair service, once you're enrolled, we'll immediately begin working on removing those negative items from your credit report. While there won't be a phone consultation prior to starting, rest assured, our team will diligently focus on resolving your credit issues.

On the other hand, if you opt for Credit Coaching, we can take a more in-depth approach. Once we have access to your credit report, we can schedule a call to discuss your specific situation comprehensively. This allows us to tailor our guidance to your unique circumstances, whether it's repairing your credit, building business credit, or enhancing your overall financial strategy.

Regardless of which option you choose, our goal remains the same: to assist you in achieving your credit and financial goals effectively and efficiently.

5. I'm In. How do I sign up?

Just click the link below and Select Credit Repair or Credit Coaching. (whatever is best for you).

Fill in your details and then you'll receive an email with the next steps and Access to the Private Facebook group.

Credit Repair


Based On What We Delete

  • Only $50 Per Item Deleted
  • Credit Building Assistance
  • Secure Client Portal to Track Progress 
  • Mobile App
  • Disputes Processed On Your Behalf
  • Standard Dispute Processing
  • Monthly Credit Training with Account Managers
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Access to Previous Training Recordings
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Email & Phone Support
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Business Credit Assistance
  • Monthly Credit Workshops w/ Virtual Access
  • Online Resource Center

Credit Coaching


Monthly Membership

  • FREE Credit Repair
  • Advanced Credit Tactics
  • Secure Client Portal to Track Progress 
  • Mobile App with Messaging
  • Disputes Processed On Your Behalf
  • Advanced Dispute Processing
  • Monthly Credit Training and Q&A with The Credit Dude
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Access to Previous Training Recordings
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Email & Phone Support
  • Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Business Credit Assistance
  • Monthly Credit Workshops w/ Virtual Access
  • Online Resource Center